Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Module 1 Blog Post-

What are your beliefs about how people learn best? What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?

The metaphor I would use for education is a business. We deal with supply, demand, marketing, management, leadership, problem solving skills, and so much more. The educational system is like a business from the top down. If the employees are happy then it transfers to the customers, so if teachers are happy then they will want to make students happy. As educators we should be looking at the common trends in the workplace, which would be the demand. It is our job to prepare students to be employable, which would be the supply the jobs need. Being prepared will allow students be marketable. Students will be eventually trying to promote themselves and their knowledge. Any manger, supervisor, CEO, or any other head of a business will want employees to have problem solving skills. That is something I feel students are lacking these days. Technology can be used to enhance these skills. In the classrooms we can help students set goals and ways to achieve them so they will be productive members of society as adults.


  1. Good thinking! You gave an interesting metaphor, comparing education to a business! I agree, especially the supply-demand, marketing, leadership, problem-solving components. I also think this model is perhaps more realistic in private, for-profit schools. I am reminded, though, of the blueberry story once told when a businesman said he would not accept inferior blueberries in his store. A teacher in the audience said that schools can't send back their blueberries! :-)

  2. In Georgia, there has been a push for problem solving learning through the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). Math has been the last core subject to be converted to GPS. Last year was the first year GPS Math was implemented at 9th grade. It was a struggle to get the students into the mindset of problem solving. Even the advanced stduents struggled with problem solving. A lot of students would rather solve math problems than to apply a math concept in a real world situation.

    I do believe that technology will help students develop problem solving skills, especially struggling students. There is a lot of technology out there; the key is knowing how to use it as a teaching tool.

  3. In my position at the state department I have been a part of discussion to revise the role of principal to divide the position in larger schools into two collaborative positions; a business manager to handle all business functions and a curriculum and instructional specialist to lead the academic areas. What are your thoughts about schools moving toward this collaborative model to free up folks to contribute in the areas of expertise and to concentrate upon one of the two rather than being a jack of all trades.

  4. I think it is impossible for one person to know how to do everything if they have not been trained. My undergrad is in business and my masters' is in education. Having these different degrees gave me a different mindset when I went into the classroom. I could see how damaging a principal could be to school if they do not have simple management skills, which is business.

  5. That's quite a good viewpoint for being an instructor. Certainly, the instructor is in the business of selling his or her learning. The instructor must cater to the student's learning needs and accommodate wherever possible.
    Great analogy!

  6. I agree that we are in the business of education. What a great contrast between the two! My undergrad work is nursing, my masters is in Nursing education. Most of my colleagues are nurses with advanced degrees in nursing. I think that it gives me a greater perspective to teach students since I have been taught how to teach. Great analogy in your blog!

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